Compositions by Allan Schindler

- Nathaniel Bartlett, marimba
- Albany Records TROY855

Take Me Places
- Twentieth Century Consort, Christopher Kendall, conductor
- Innova recording 633 CD 15

Eternal Winter
- John Marcellus, trombone
- Songs, Dances & Incantantions, New Albany Records TROY 583

Eternal Winter
- Paul Hunt, trombone
- Capstone recording CPS-8603

Tremor of Night and Day
- Ignacio Alcover, cello
- CDCM Volume 8, CRC-2091

At the Edge
- John Beck, percussionist
- The Virtuoso in the Computer Age,CDCM Volume 14, CRC-2091


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Designed by Keum-Taek Jung