
Film/musical composition ; 1998 ; Duration 4:08
Composer: Allan Schindler
Filmmakers: Stephanie Maxwell
Preferred performance formats:
- Mini DV
Lower quality alternative performance formats:
- Beta SP
- DVD video
- S-VHS tape (lowest quality; for audition purposes only; not for performance)
Throughout this collaboratively conceived and realized work, visual and musical patterns "chase" each other, "dance," intertwine, pull apart
and come back together in long swirling arcs and patterns. The animated imagery was originally hand-inscribed on 35mm motion picture film stock
using paints and markers. These "direct animation" images subsequently were transformed by video and digital processing and editing to "activate"
and intensify the original animation of colorful, abstract moving forms.
Many of the sound sources were derived from computer analysis, resynthesis and transformations of Western, African and Asian acoustic sounds.
Principal software, employed on SGI computers at the Eastman Computer Music Center, included Csound (Vercoe) and score11 (Brinkman), rt (Lansky),
SMS (Serra), various linear prediction programs and utilities, and algorithmic compositional software written by the composer that generate note
or event streams based on probabilities and permutations.

JPG stills
Quicktime audio/video clips
MP3 audio excerpt
This clip, which begins forty eight seconds into the work, exemplifies some of the dance-like musical elements within the piece, interweaving
rhythms and timbres perhaps suggestive of an uptempo tango or rumba, of tap dancing, and of other dance-like models.
Duration : Sixty one seconds; size 1.9 MB ; encoding 256 kBit stereo

Stephanie Maxwell teaches film, video and animation courses at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Her experimental animated films
have been exhibited in film festivals and on television internationally, and collected as works of art by European and American museums.
Outermost was premiered on April 4 and 7, 1998 programs of the ImageMovementSound festival in Rochester, New York. Additional
performance/exhibitions have included:
New Music and Arts Festival, Bowling Green, OH, 2004; The Tank, New York, 2004 Ottawa International Animation Festival,
"Meet the Masters" presentation, Ottawa, 2004; Music of Allan Schindler concert, Rochester, 2004; LUX Cinema, London, 2003; SCRATCH Cinema
series, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris, 2003; Surrey Institute of Art and Design presentation, Farnham, England, 2003 and 2000; Toronto
International Film Festival, Toronto, Canada, 2001; Cornell University, Center for Performing Arts, Ithaca, New York - 2001; Nashville
International Film Festival, Nashville, Tennessee - 2000; International Computer Music Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2000; New York Animation
Festival, 1999; Sonic Circuits Series at Intermedia Arts, Minneapolis, 1999; Vidarte, Festival de Video y Artes Electronicas, Mexico City,
1999; Dialogues 1999, festival of contemporary multimedia art, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999; Virginia Film Festival , Charlottesville, Virginia,
1999; 41st Rochester International Film Festival, Shoestring trophy award, 1999; Black Mariah Film and Video Festival, Directors' Citation,
1999; Composer's Seminar Series, "Film and Music "Collaborative Experience", Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York, 1999; "Cinema and
Society" film studies seminar, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York, 1999; Imaginary Space: 1999 Australasian Computer Music
Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 1999; The Indies, cable broadcast series, San Francisco, CA, 1999; Cine-Musik concert series (two
performances: Staatliche Hochschule fur Musik in Freiburg, Germany and Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York, 1999; San Francisco
Exploratorium, San Francisco, 1999; San Francisco Art Institute, 1999; Mills College, Oakland, CA, 1999; V Brazilian Symposium for Computer
Music, visual media and computer music program, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1998; New York University, 1998; University of Maryland, Catonsville,
MD, 1998; Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, 1998; School of Visual Arts, New York, NY, 1998; School of the Museum of
Fine Arts, Boston, 1998; "Now What? New Works", Visual Music Festival 2002, Northwest Film Forum, Seattle, Washington, 2002; SCRATCH film
series, Paris, 2001; "Old and New Films" series - San Francisco Exploratorium, 2001; OFF-OFF, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2000; Mire, Nantes,
France - 1999; L'Abominable, Asnieres Sur Seine, France, 1999; Ethnicolor, Bordeaux, France - 1999;
For performance/exhibition information on this work please send e-mail to:
Composer aschindler@esm.rochester.edu or
Filmmaker sampph@yahoo.com
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